Saturday, December 19, 2009

Computer Love

Can I just tell you that I LOVE my computer?

Love it, love it, LOVE.

We have been having an affair now for about roughly 7 years.  It got really intense during my convalescence 7 years ago.  When I was recovering, my friend Darryl (a geek) gave me his laptop to amuse myself with.  I pushed it away saying I didn't believe in such soulless technology and spiritually I felt that it kept us away from each other.  My argument being everyone is on their computers sitting at home alone instead of out in the world touching each other.  Darryl insisted (in a lovely passive way) that I give it a go.  You know, "don't knock it till you try it".  I thought he was nuts, but being at home so much and in bed, I need a distraction and began surfing the internet. I began having fun.  A friend turned me onto the Sims and my life changed.  What?  I could build my own home, decorate it anyway I want.  Watch an Avatar I created to look like me live a life full of virtual friends and fancy wardrobes?  I could boss her around all I wanted, walk here, turn around there.  Dance, eat, do what I say.  What a joy!  I was obsessed of course, but alas, it wasn't real and after 4 sleepless nights in a row because there was a fire in my virtual swinging pad and my avatar was a nervous wreck, I decided to take a break and only play every other day.  Months later I stumbled on real life virtual worlds that had real people attached to them on the other end and that did it too me. "Second Life".  What a riot!    I began to obsess about "Second Life", and avatars.  How would I dress my avatar?  What club could I explore?  Could I start a business here?  Many had.  I whiled away most of the boring dark winter rain with "Second Life", and after a weird guy with a pony avatar started chatting me up (don't ask), I decided to call it quits.

My Virtual Self on Second Life
Was I nuts??? Hahaha!

I spend a lot of time on my computer.  I love it!! I recently bought a laptop - a Mac, sexy silver thing!   I take it with me to coffee shops and such to blog or do work.  Such freedom. I actually enjoy going into Mac stores and checking out accessories to go with my beloved Mac.  I'm always sliding my hand over the silver frame and think it so smooth and cool.  I am currently working on a computer skin to personalize it and make an artistic statement. Oh my God, I'm such a geek! Right now I'm blogging in bed and plan on watching an episode of "The Big Bang Theory" before I go to sleep.  I love the "Big Bang Theory".  All about geeks, which I have come to realize, I have now become a member of that club.  How do I know?  Because I saw a guy the other day in the coffee shop with a computer drawing tablet and went ballistic.  Also, I have programed my computer to talk and "Alex" now says "Sexy Suzanne, its 10:00"  or "Sexy Suzanne, Skype needs your attention".  Right now, he suggests I take a break and he's right. Yea, "he" my computer.  Ha! Strange how I always say "Thanks Alex".  I think I might be going a bit looney.

Stop reading and go get you some.

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"Hmm, where was that fabulous post? I wanna read it again.."