Amanda Seyfried
What is that? HATED IT! That bustier is horrible! Can the poor child breathe? Way too constrained and hair too severe. But the makeup was nice.
Sandra Bullock
Beautiful. This picture isn't the best, but she glowed. Poised and elegant. I loved the simple hair that never moved. The earrings worked too. Relaxed, confident, moved well. And I don't care what they say, I loved the lipstick.
Vera Farnega
A lot of controversy over this one. I kinda liked it. Bold. In a sea of pale. Reminded me of a flower and was very artistic. She seemed to have problems moving though, but she was beaming as brightly as the dress. Fabulous.
Nicole Richie
When I first saw her on the carpet, I thought, "Alright! 60's inspired, groovy Valley of the Dolls-esque" But now... HATE IT!
James Cameron & Wife Suzi Amis
Um, don't get it. She looked tired, and painfully thin and lifeless. This is a good picture
but she looked a tad hungry, almost sickly. Definitely needed some color on her face! She kind of reminds me of a Jane Austin type character. James? Well, I can't really get into dissing since it would be nice to be in one of his movies this year, but I will say, it was nice to see that his hanky matched her dress.
Helen Mirren, Dress: Badgley Mischka
Simply Divine!
I love this woman. Class all the way. Freaking fabulous body. I mean how old is this she anyway...checking....65! Holy Cow! She looks great!!! Love the magical sequins and how delicately it covers her arms. I think she's rockin! Hair, makeup, perfect! Christopher Plummer looks dashing in his classic Tux.
Jake Gyllenhaal
This is a good looking guy. But...BORING!! COME ON YOUR YOUNG! FUNK IT UP GUY! Did you borrow that suit from Christopher Plummer?
Take a cue from your sis. Look at this:
Maggie Gyllenhaal
Love it! Interesting print. Perfect fit (nothing hanging out). Simple hair, love the earrings, flirty! And cool bracelet!
Ryan Reynolds
Now, I know I've been hating on these boring Tux's , but GOD, if your wearing this body and face, this the tux is wearing you!! I mean really! I can't remember when I saw such a handsome form in a standard Tux! Is it is height? His carriage? Or the cut? What ever it is, he transformed this suit. Is he married?
Sarah Jessica Parker
I mean its an interesting dress, but she did NOT rock it!
Her makeup was wretched. Way too much on the eyes! And what was up with the hair? All flying up on the top when she presented. This is when I ask the oh so special question to famous people. "Don't you have any friends?" Sister, if you were my friend I would NEVER let you out the door like that!! The shape didn't flatter her booming bod and the weird straps made her look like she was choking or something. Very uncomfortable to look at. Awful!
Charlize Theron
I don't know. Its kinda "Madonna boobs". She is really lovely, and the dress fits perfectly, but I think I'll give her a Meh.
Maybe from the back...
Double Meh.
Rachel McAdams
Lovely girl, lousy dress. The shape is all wrong. And she has a great body. You would never know in this thing! Way too bottom heavy with the empireish waist. Colors are way to muted, its kinda depressing!
Jeremy Renner
Finally a refreshing spin on the old Tux! Loved the silver grey tie. One of my favorites of the evening! Hawt! And is it me or does he look like Bond?

Daniel Craig
Hmm, me thinks they are the same person:)
moving on...
One of my favorite ladies...
Carrie Mulligan
FABULOUS!Everything worked! Cut of dress, great earrings, cool short blonde pixie cut! Looove it! Young, flirty, artistic, edgy, fun! Love the clutch. Love the makeup, the false lashes, pale lips. Working! Cute scissors and forks on the dress! She was not great on the red carpet though. But it was kinda charming. Such a newbie. Love the shoes and the cut on the bottom of the dress.
Gabourey Sidibe
You go big girl and get what you want! I love her. Such an inspiration for me personally. Big, blue and glorious! She freaking worked that dress. Perfect for her. I always have an issue with her hair, but it looked great this night. Her makeup was lovely too! Your wicked Gabby! Love you!!!
Yeah! Thats right!!! You work that off the shoulder!
Another big fabulous sister that is not so big anymore. Did she loose a few pounds?
Queen Latifah
My favorite look of the night. You are a Queen girl! PERFECT. I WOULDN'T CHANGE A THING!!! I loved the color, I would so wear this. The shape, accenting her curves, the diagonal shoulder, matching bejeweled clutch. Makeup flawless, feminine beautiful. Hair perfect coif, earrings cute dangling pink pearls. Oh my gosh Lady! Absoultely stunning! This is your moment. LOVE!
Shave please.
Miley Ray Cyrus
Well looky here. Our little girl has all grown up. How can you tell? Anorexia has finally set in. She looks hungry frankly. Go eat a something Miley. Love the dress but that faux smile is saying " I will kill everyone here for a roast beef sandwich!!!".
Jennifer Lopez
Another controversy. Either you loved or hated. I loved! She look fantastic. Graceful, elegant. Only she could pull this off! Lovely! Couldn't really make out the color. White? Pink? Both? Sort of iridescent! She was Effervescent! Hair and makeup was perfect too, and she looked like like a queen!
Here it looks Pink.
My gosh, I could go on and write forever! Here. Three together..
Meryl Streep Cameron Diaz Kate Winslet
George Clooney and Awful Girlfriend Elisabetta Canalis
Sadest Couple
I mean REALLY! I do not like this woman! She seemed irritated all night! You have George Clooney and your his date for the freaking Oscars! Look alive woman! Have an aura! You don't want to be there, move out of my WAY! Geez, how awful could it be?? You are a downer girlfriend! Ugh! Totally UNFUN!!!
Zoe Saldana
I'm so hanging out with you! Lets be best friends, were gonna have a laugh! Not one boring minute! You gotta be cool to pull that off! You rock Zoe! Talk about a good time! Lets go to the Governors Ball after this and do the Can Can on top of tables! I love this woman!!!
All in all a fabulous fashion night! I had a BLAST! The highlights for me..
1. When Mo'nique won and gave a wonderful acceptance speech.
2. The freaking amazing dance number. Honestly, my mouth hung! I couldn't get enough. The classical with the hip/hop, street dancing. I actually cried at one part. It was really spectacular!
1. When Mo'nique won and gave a wonderful acceptance speech.
2. The freaking amazing dance number. Honestly, my mouth hung! I couldn't get enough. The classical with the hip/hop, street dancing. I actually cried at one part. It was really spectacular!
Kathryn Bigleow, the first woman director to win an Oscar. Another great moment.
4. My favorite. Screenwriter Geoffrey Fletchers (Precious) emotional acceptance speech. I was so moved by his beautiful voice. I feel in love with that guy....
4. My favorite. Screenwriter Geoffrey Fletchers (Precious) emotional acceptance speech. I was so moved by his beautiful voice. I feel in love with that guy....
"I don't know what to say. This is for everybody who works on their dream every day"
Thanks Geoffrey. All us artists needed that.
Now, go get you some!
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