Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Black Undux - Suzanne in her Closet

Well, I have to admit it.
I have a hate on my clothes!  Black, black and more freaking BLACK! I used to love it, now I find it, well, sucky.

Last week I decided  "no more black for me!".  My goal was to wear color for one week and if I was able to totally get rid of all black from my ensemble, I gave myself a gold star.

Getting dressed in the morning proved to be a searching game.  A lot of my clothes are folded because I don't have much closet space so I spend a good 20 minutes unfolding the sea of black to freaking find leggings, skirts and tops. Since most of my wardrobe is black they all look the same!  Can't tell what's what.  Very irritating. But now, I'll never have to worry about falling into the black abyss again.

My little colour test last week was a revelation.  My life felt lighter.  No kidding, I was looking forward to seeing what I could create and really dug my new wardrobe possibilities, but it wasn't easy.  You see, most of my bottoms are black and I really had to stretch to make it through my week.  I bought a new skirt at H&M for 10 bucks and thought it a cool substitute for the black and it made me feel....kinda new.  Strange but true.  Also, along with feeling lighter, I noticed my skin glowed.  Everytime I looked in the mirror I thought, "Is that me??".  I wore a lot of different shades of pink and purple and the reflection off my skin was, if I may say so myself,  quite flattering.  I really had no idea the black was bringing me down.  While watching TV yesterday this designer mentioned to the talk show host that her completely black ensemble made her body disappear so all one noticed was her face.  I wondered if I was trying to make my body disappear? I mean, I've very rarely had a full length mirror.  Which I always found stinking irritating.  Why hadn't I worked harder to get one?? I always wore black (most my life to my fathers horror) because I thought it was cool, easy to put things together and of course made you look thinner, but have since been rethinking the whole thin thing.  I mean do I really look any fatter when I wear color? Me thinks not. I think all that matters is the cut.  Either its a flattering cut for your body type or an unflattering cut and you look gargantuan.  Think about it.  Tru dat.  Do I get an amen?

So, I'm going to give my closest a total overhaul!

Now I wasn't able to completely go all the way.  Most of my outerwear is black.  Scarves, gloves, bags, boots.  I can't be that creative there....but wait, maybe I can.  Now that I think about it, I do have some colorful scarves somewhere and I got a really cool bag as a gift that I do carry sometimes.  So there you go. In the dreary rainy Vancouver winter, I'm gonna be a flower.

Now, any ideas anyone has in regards to organizing my closet so I have more space, bring em on.  In the meantime, I'll keep you in the loop with my new and improved closet.  Suzanne, Under Construction.

A Patch of Blue
(Curves ahead! Watch out Christina Hendricks!)

Now go get you some!

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"Hmm, where was that fabulous post? I wanna read it again.."