Monday, November 9, 2009

Time To Date

Uhh, yeah, great.
I've decided to divert my attention to more pleasant thoughts.  Such as boys - my favorite subject.  My idea of the perfect black man.

Maxwell, the Perfect

Ahh, what a feast for the eyes.  I wouldn't mind riding out the rain with this guy either...

Yeah, Eric Benet (sans the addiction of course)
What a babe...

How long has it been since I've been on a date?  Way too long I suppose if I have to ask that question.  So I've decided to proclaim it to you dear reader.  This week I will go on a date. Yes.  I will. There I said it, now I have to make it happen.

There's a really funny guy thats caught my attention on "Plenty of Fish".  Hilarious actually.  Check this out.  While chatting on line, I asked a couple of questions below.

1. Do you have a fluffy cat that everyone is allergic to?
2. Do you believe that you come from the planet Zeltor and believe you are the king of it?

And he replied.
1. No. but if you replace "fluffy" with "hairy" and "cat" with "dog" and "allergic" with

"loves" then i'd like to change my answer to yes.
2. The king of zeltor? Really, u think i could be the king? I'm just a high commander
of the zelteroid peoples defensive initiative army at the moment, but maybe one

Hahhahaha!  I love funny men!  This may be promising.


  1. This isn't Zeltor? Really! Sure looks the same - must have made a wrong kwyfl'k at the Spiral Arm Bypass...

  2. This isn't Zeltor? Really! Sure looks the same - must have made a wrong kwyfl'k at the Spiral Arm Bypass...


"Hmm, where was that fabulous post? I wanna read it again.."