Monday, October 19, 2009

FASHION: Week of Stealing Looks

Got a temp job for today.
Looking in my closet, I utter the usual words:
"My clothes are crap!!! I stinking well have NOTHING to wear!"
So I am executing a thought I've had for days.
To steal my Vogue Magazine's fall designer advertising campaigns.  Thats right, for an entire week, I'm going to attempt the near impossible.  Copying the looks, with the limits of my closet. Can it be done???
Now, I certainly don't have the funds make some extravagant fashion purchase.  Currently doing such a thing would be "beyond my purse".  But hopefully, something amazing will happen if I look like I have a wallet as big as Beyonce's.

So, lets start off with my New York, purchase.  My brand new Trench.

Burberry Trench worn by Beautiful Emma Watson

Burberry knock off.  Eat your heart out Emma
Bag: Gift

Not sure whats going under it, but the coat is a cool start.
Whats gonna happen tomorrow?


"Hmm, where was that fabulous post? I wanna read it again.."